Post 1

Welcome to Idyll. Open index.idyll to start writing

Fri Jun 21 2019


This is an Idyll post. It is generated via the file index.idyll. To compile this post using idyll, run the command idyll inside of this directory.

Inner custom

Idyll posts are designed to support interaction and data-driven graphics.

Configuration can be done via the idyll field in package.json.


Idyll is based on Markdown.

You can use familiar syntax to create bold (**bold** ) and italic (`*italic* ) styles,

  • lists
  • of
  • items,
* lists
* of
* items,
  1. and numbered
  2. lists
  3. of items,
1. and numbered
2. lists
3. of items,

in addition to hyperlinks and images:



Components can be embedded using a bracket syntax:

[Range /]

and can contain nested content:

[Equation]e = mc^{2}[/Equation]

Components accept properties:

[Range value:x min:0 max:1 /]

that can be bound to variables to achieve interactivity (more in next section).

A variety of components are included by default. See all the available components. You can also use any html tag, for example: [div] A div! [/div].

To create your own, add it to the components/ folder. There are examples of how to use Idyll with React and D3 based components already included.


Here is how you can instantiate a variable and bind it to a component:

[var name:"exampleVar" value:5 /]

[Range min:0 max:10 value:exampleVar /]
[Display value:exampleVar /]

Learn More

To learn more see the documentation at, join our chatroom, or see the project on GitHub.